Narative text

29 Oct

Animal Instinct


 One day a jobless young woman was walking to her house until she saw social worker in front of her house. she ran to her house but the social worker stopped her. She said that she would be interviewed in two days, but social worker still took her children to children aids. She tried so hard to make social worker did not take her children, but what she did was no use and her neighbors could only watch it from their yard.

 On the night she cried in her kitchen and thought how to take her children and in the morning she came to children aids. by disguissing in black wig she took her children and went to her car. She forced her children to enter the car than she drove the car while while she removed her wig. Her children were happy to know the woman who kidnapped them was her mother. then the travelled by car.

 On the way the car was broken, so the young women fix the car while the children playing on the field. On the night they at a restaurant. The children ate ice cream, the seemed very happy. The young woman checked her money and she knew that she couldn’t pay the ice cream, so she ran away from restaurant when the waitress did not notice them. some minutes later, the waitress came to give the bill, but she only saw an empty table.

 The young woman and her children slept in her car. The next day they continued their journey. they stopped by on a flower garden they played bubble. On the night they stayed in a motel and in the morning they continued their journey again. On the way the car was broken again and the went to the south by bus.

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